Social Work

Another Hamilton is possible

There are generations of analyses of alternatives to police that state any ask for more police is both a policy and leadership failure, Ameil Joseph and Sarah Adjekum write.


The Hamilton Police Service’s proposed budget increase has reignited calls to defund the police. Last Monday, a demonstration was held in front of city hall where nearly 100 speakers and community members gathered to denounce the proposed budget and to call for defunding the police. For many, it is unconscionable that the city is considering increasing the budget by $12 million, nearly double the two per cent cap increase for boards and services, as inflation and rising costs of living push many to the edge of their means. Despite this reality, much of the commentary around the protest has focused on the disruption to city council and the catchiness of the “defund” slogan, rather than the impact on low-income and racialized groups.


To read the complete op-ed, visit the Hamilton Spectator website.